Sunday, 15 January 2012

Modeling a cow - body

Starting off with a cuboid and extruding faces for arms and legs, I get the above as shown. I adjusted the vertexes to create a more realistic body, such as the belly and the back. 

Next was the neck. I encountered problems with merging the vertexes due to carelessness. I accidentally merged the vertexes with those of the hooves unknowingly. I only realized it later and was too late to undo. However, luckily I had saved my previous versions of the body separately and  was able to redo it on an older version.

Next was the hands. It was fairly simple, with extrusion and moving of vertexes to create a more rounded look. However, the first time I did it, there were small unwanted extrusions at the side after converting the polygons. Hence I tried my best to fix it and achieved the  results below.

I then placed the hands accordingly and merged the vertexes.

I also scaled the head to a suitable proportion to the body and merged the vertexes to the neck. 

And this is my final cow.

This exercise has taught me the importance of saving multiple versions of a project in-case an error occurs. I have also learnt to create more realistic and rounded edges. Extrusion is also very useful in modelling and does not increase the polygon count. Overall, I am quite satisfied with my work. (:

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